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Safety and Care

Before, During and After Permanent Makeup

  • Upon leaving, we will provide you with moist cotton to clean the new tattoo area every half hour for the first day. This is to remove any lymph drainage. Lymph drainage will turn to scab and this is how color is lost (so we want to remove as much lymph as possible).  At the end of the first day, apply a “pin drop” size of your aftercare Restore product.

  • For the next seven days, apply a pin drop of your restore product morning and night. The purpose of Restore is to provide vitamins and nutrients to the Permanent Makeup area. The area should be kept dry. Applying too much product will keep the area too moist and delay healing time. Use a clean dry finger to apply Restore. Clients with health conditions may heal slower than others.

  • Do not get the new tattoo wet for seven days.

    • For brows and liner, tilt your head back in the shower, and use a washcloth for your face.

    • For lips, use a straw for drinking and avoid messy foods.

    • For Hairline Receding, do not wash your hair for 3 days at least. 

    • For areola, we will send you home with barrier tape to cover your tattoo – bathing is easier. You will leave with a dressing on your treatment area which you can remove at home and wear loose fitting clothing over. Clean the lymph for the first day, and apply aftercare before bed.

  • Do not use makeup on or near the area for seven days while skin is healing. Expect to lose some of your color during the first 30 days. After the healing period (seven days), you may use makeup to touch-up any spots that may need it, until you return for your complimentary follow-up, at which time those spots will be retouched. Use this time to experiment with your makeup to determine any design tweaks you may want to have at your touch-up appointment.

  • Do not touch, rub or pick at any scabs or dry skin you may notice. Everyone’s skin is different, so you may or may not have scabbing. Do not sleep on your face.

  • We have a “DO NOT PANIC" rule during the first week. The color will appear darker first, and lighten by day seven. The skin takes up to seven days to grow a new layer of skin over the color (like putting a sheet over it to mute the color).

  • Do NOT go in direct sun for the first week; this will risk burning or darkening your Permanent Makeup. 

  • You must use sunscreen on these areas as this skin is now very delicate and you must protect your Permanent Makeup.

  • Do not work out for 48 hours after your procedure. Light activity is fine, but nothing that will cause you to SWEAT! Excessive skin oil can blur the hair strokes of your new brows.

  • Do not tan or use retinol or anti-aging creams for 30 days after your treatment.

  • Do not wax the brow area, as this can pull off your Permanent Makeup area. Schedule any tweezing or sculpting sessions with us for best results.

  • Sun, chlorine, scrubs, peels, and waxing will fade, peel or dissolve your color – avoid these.

  • Do not use facial scrubbing brushes of any kind near the Permanent Makeup area.

  • When having your lips tattooed, you may not see much color after the first visit. It also can take up to six weeks for the color to “settle” to a visible layer.



  • If you are prone to cold sores, you must be on an anti-viral medication two days before, the day of, and two days after any lip procedures. Be sure to get enough of a prescription for both of your sessions.

  • If you are having an eyeliner procedure, you must not be on any lash enhancement products for at least one month prior.

  • If you are having Dark Circle Camouflage procedure, you must not be on eyelash extension.

  • You should not be on any blood thinners (Motrin, aspirin, fish oil, Co-Q10). Do not drink alcohol the night before and after. If you are on a blood-thinning prescription, please check with your physician.

  • Pregnant or nursing moms are not candidates for Permanent Makeup.

  • If you are a cancer patient, you need medical clearance from your doctor for any procedures.

  • If you are a cancer survivor, you need to wait six months before having a Permanent Makeup.

  • You will not be able to give blood for a period of time after having any Permanent Makeup.

  • You should not have any MRI during the healing process (for at least six weeks).


What to expect after Permanent Makeup

After your procedure, you may experience swelling (more likely for eyeliner and lips); brows will have minimal swelling.  Some clients swell more than others depending on how each individual's skin responds to the procedure (everyone’s skin is different and responds accordingly). This may mean the area feels itchy. It will appear darker for the first week until the final healed result is complete. Your complimentary touch-up will complete your session.

What's next if I am healed?

After your final touch-up, your permanent makeup should last between one to five years, depending on how well you take care of the area. We recommend that you wait two years before coming in for another touch-up. We also encourage the use of  an SPF-30 or higher sunscreen year-round as well as sunglasses (for eyeliner and brow clients). An SPF face stick is very convenient for use on your eyebrows. 

Appointment Policies

Upon leaving, you will schedule a complimentary touch-up appointment. We strongly advise you to keep this appointment. If you reschedule, you will be charged, as the schedule is very full and we need to be able to accommodate everyone.

Our clients will receive one complimentary touch up within three months. If a client does not return within three month for their touch-up, it is no longer complimentary. Any touch-up appointment that is rescheduled, cancelled or missed is FORFEITED. ***

  • We want your brows to last.  Please use your sunscreen and avoid harsh products.

  • We want you to wait at a minimum of one year before having a touch-up and prefer you wait two years. Your Permanent Makeup are going to fade, and you may have to use a little makeup on them as time goes on. 

  • Too much color applied too frequently will build up and will have to be removed. The excess pigment needs time to come out on its own.

  • Medical conditions, lifestyle and general health will impact how long your tattoo will last.

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49-2, Jalan Radin Tengah, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia      |      |      +60102626608

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